Short Term Courses - Awareness Training on Energy Management System


Energy Management System awareness course provides managers and employees with the knowledge required to improve energy management performance continually include meeting overall climate change mitigation goals by reducing the energy-related greenhouse gas emission.


The publication of ISO 50001 standard

Revision specifics of the new standard

PDCA Approach

Benefits to companies

Certification for ISO 50001

Who Should Attend?


Those interested in improving energy performance and energy efficiency

Those who want to implement an ISO 50001:2018 EnMS

Energy managers (management representatives, plant managers, facility managers)

Energy coordinators (process owners, engineers)


Graduation in Science or Candidates having more than 1 year of experience about EnMS and its operation.  

Benefits for attending the course:

Overview of the scope of EnMS and the step-by-step process to successfully set up an EnMS.

Discover risks that affect compliance, roles of Top Management of EnMS and Scope of Performance evaluation. 

Contact Us: 

If you have any enquiries, let us know how we can help you.

Call: +91-9768019387 / +91-7208001489

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