Certification Program - Store & Inventory Management


Inventory management requires forecasting and planning the inventory needed to proper functioning of an operation. Store management includes setting employee schedules, handling internal queries for materials and maintaining a clean, safe, well maintained environment. The course is designed to help you grasp essential concepts and techniques of store and inventory management.

This training program will provide the insight to understand the importance of inventory management and how to implement in your organization.




The objective of this Store & Inventory management training is to balance of holding enough inventories to ensure the business operates effectively. Motivate employees them to perform their tasks in accordance with established procedures along with helping organization to optimize processes by ensuring relevant goods/ parts/ materials etc. are available at right time and can decrease the chances problems by eliminating the chances unauthorized access, make processes more efficient and reduce the chances of perishable goods going to waste.


Who Should Attend?

Any Individuals interested in acquiring the knowledge related to Store Management and Inventory Management or professional those are into their position to work in an ISO certified organization can opt for this course for handful practical experience in how to incorporate Store & Inventory in their management system or apply with their respective organization.



Graduation in any discipline or Candidates having more than 1 year of working experience in any manufacturing establishment.



Course Covers:

v  Store Management

v  Inventory supervision

v  Best storage practices

v  Storage and Handling equipment

v  Inventory Management

v  Facilities Layout And Materials Handling

v  Forecasting Demand

v  Just-in-Time



Contact Us:

If you have any enquiries, let us know how we can help you.

Call: +91-7208001489

Email us:  admin@iimsedu.org / internationalmanagementstudies@gmail.com